Privacy Policy

MTC 美容皮膚科 代官山(以下、「当クリニック」といいます)は、利用者(以下、「お客様」といいます)の個人情報を適切に取り扱い、保護することを重要な責務と認識しています。本プライバシーポリシーは、お客様の個人情報の取り扱いについての方針を定めたものです。


MTC Aesthetic Dermatology Daikanyama (hereinafter referred to as “our clinic”) recognizes the importance of appropriately handling and protecting the personal information of users (hereinafter referred to as “customers”). This privacy policy defines the guidelines for handling customer personal information.

Before using our website (hereinafter referred to as “this site”), please review the following information and use the site with your consent.

1. 個人情報の定義


1. Definition of Personal Information

In this policy, “personal information” refers to information that can identify an individual customer (such as name, address, phone number, email address, etc.).

2. 個人情報の収集について


  • お問い合わせフォームや予約フォームの入力
  • 施術の予約・確認・キャンセルに関する情報
  • メールマガジンの購読登録
  • その他、お客様が本サイトを通じて当クリニックに提供する情報

2. Collection of Personal Information

Our clinic may collect personal information through the following methods to provide services to customers:

  • Input via inquiry and reservation forms
  • Information regarding procedure reservations, confirmations, and cancellations
  • Subscription registration for newsletters
  • Other information provided by customers through this site

3. 個人情報の利用目的


  • 施術やサービスの提供
  • 予約・予約確認・キャンセル等の管理
  • お客様への連絡、案内、確認事項の通知
  • メールマガジンやお知らせの配信
  • ご意見やご要望に基づくサービス向上
  • 法令に基づく対応が必要な場合

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The collected personal information will be used for the following purposes:

  • Providing procedures and services
  • Managing reservations, confirmations, cancellations, etc.
  • Contacting customers, providing information, and notifying regarding confirmations
  • Sending newsletters and updates
  • Improving services based on customer feedback and requests
  • Compliance with legal requirements

4. 個人情報の第三者提供について


  • お客様の同意がある場合
  • 法令に基づき、開示が求められる場合
  • 当クリニックの業務委託先に対して、業務の遂行に必要な範囲内で提供する場合(例:配送業者、決済業者など)

4. Third-Party Provision of Personal Information

Our clinic does not provide personal information to third parties. However, exceptions include:

  • When there is consent from the customer
  • When disclosure is required by law
  • When providing personal information to our service providers within the necessary scope to perform business (e.g., delivery service providers, payment processors)

5. 個人情報の管理


5. Management of Personal Information

Our clinic takes appropriate measures to manage customer personal information and prevent leakage, loss, or alteration of personal data. All employees who handle personal information are provided with training on personal data protection.

6. クッキー(Cookie)の使用について


6. Use of Cookies

This site may use cookies to enhance user convenience and improve services. Cookies are small text files stored in the user’s browser that can record information during site usage. Customers can disable the use of cookies via their browser settings, but doing so may cause some functions of the site to not work properly.

7. お客様の個人情報の開示・訂正・削除について


7. Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

Customers have the right to request the disclosure, correction, or deletion of their personal information. If you wish to proceed with these actions, please contact our clinic’s inquiry desk.

8. 未成年者の個人情報について


8. Personal Information of Minors

If a minor customer provides personal information, please ensure that parental consent is obtained beforehand.

9. プライバシーポリシーの変更


9. Changes to Privacy Policy

Our clinic may change this privacy policy as necessary in response to legal amendments or changes in service content. The revised privacy policy will take effect when posted on this site, so we recommend that you check it regularly.